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Answering God’s Call: Veronica Peña-Montalvo

How can we find hope amid our daily challenges? Hear the hope-filled story of Veronica Peña-Montalvo, whose faith and hope have been transformed over the last several years and led to the founding of The Great Commission Theatre.

On today’s journey, we will:

  • Consider how to listen to God’s voice in your daily life
  • Hear about what strengthened Veronica’s faith and hope
  • Learn about a powerfully impactful event for women

We are so grateful to this month's Journeys of Hope sponsors, Deanna & Owen Villarreal, for making this episode possible.

Guest Information

Veronica Peña-Montalvo is the Founder and Executive/Artistic Director of The Great Commission Theatre. Taking over seven years to answer God’s call to ministry, she now commits to evangelize by producing uplifting theatrical plays from a Christian worldview for all audiences to enjoy.

Veronica hails from the Rio Grande Valley and now calls the cultural city of San Antonio her home. A proud Longhorn, she received a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre Studies from The University of Texas at Austin and a Master in Educational Administration from the University of Texas-Pan American. In addition to being a published curriculum writer and national conference presenter, Veronica spent over 20 years in education as a theatre educator and school administrator. Her diverse experience expands in marketing, coaching, program development, faith formation, and enjoys the occasional jam session on her guitar.

With her business partner and husband, Veronica also shares her gifts as Chief Operations Officer and Client Success Specialist at SmartCalls, a faith-based sales consulting firm. She remains steadfast in her passion to act, model, and proclaim God’s Truth, rooted in Jesus’ charge to the apostles in Matthew 28:19-20 - to go and make disciples of others

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Jewel for the Journey

Then Jesus approached and said to them, “All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always,  until the end of the age.” - The Great Commission from the Gospel according to Matthew 28:18-20

Get More Out of Your Journey

Pilgrim Center of Hope invites women of all faith journeys to the Catholic Women's Conference.

The Great Commission Theatre | Act, Model, and Proclaim