Response to the Call
Responding to the need for hope that we are seeing today, this growing ministry is building a multipurpose evangelization center and exhibit hall on the existing PCH property to provide opportunities for people to encounter Christ through multimedia, interactive, educational, personal experiences.
Throughout our lives, we often ask the question “why?” The answer is discovered in the Truth – in the person of Jesus Christ, our Savior. His Mother, Stella Maris, will guide us to him. – Mary Jane Fox
PHASE I – Acquire 6.8 Acre Property – Completed
Founded in 1993, Pilgrim Center of Hope purchased the property in 2013.
PHASE II – Property Improvements – Completed
- Maintenance projects such as new signage, pest control, and facility updates
- Prayerful ambience improvements include outdoor Stations of the Cross, statuary, aesthetic landscaping and planting of trees related to the Holy Land, and a custom-built, wooden ‘Galilee boat’ for private/group meditation that features an 8-foot crucifix
- Sidewalk connecting Gethsemane Chapel to the Prayer Garden
- Security & safety improvements include a 1,200-foot cedar fence (eight feet high) and trimming dozens of trees & moss removal
PHASE III – New Evangelization Center – In Progress
Stella Maris Center

Preliminary architectural rendering
210 persons at round tables (approximately double capacity with theater style seating)
State-of-the-art stage and multimedia capabilities will provide opportunities for presentations, days of spiritual renewal, and interactive pilgrimages for those who cannot travel abroad
Internationally-renowned “Who Is the Man of the Shroud?” exhibition (in Rome, Jerusalem, and 7 other cities) will be a permanent installation & educational experience
Offering prayer and evangelization resources to visitors, so they can daily live what they learn & experience here
Adding to Pilgrim Center of Hope’s existing Outdoor Stations of the Cross, this Prayer Garden features an eight-foot tall crucifix and a seating for private or group meditation within a ‘Sea of Galilee boat’
Accommodating individual vehicles, including buses
Indoor restrooms to accommodate exhibition visitors & event participants
On the occasion of Pilgrim Center of Hope’s 25th anniversary, Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller, M.Sp.S., blessed the future construction site of Stella Maris Center, after celebrating Mass in the PCH Chapel (Gethsemane). With this blessing and encouragement, we have begun seeking funds for the construction of the center.
The people who have experienced your ministry connect with the Lord and the Church in new ways, and that is invaluable. May the Lord continue to bless the work and ministry of Pilgrim Center of Hope and thank you for your faithful service to the Church and the people of God.
– Most Rev. Gustavo Garcia-Siller, MSpS, Archbishop of San Antonio
Set Sail with Us!
How YOU Can Respond to the Call
Make a pledge of monthly, quarterly, annual, or one-time gift support
Pilgrim Center of Hope is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and gifts are tax-deductible. While this ministry has the blessing of the Archdiocese of San Antonio, Pilgrim Center of Hope is independently sustained by donations from individuals, groups & businesses. Every gift to this vital mission helps!
For more information, contact
Pilgrim Center of Hope
Mary Jane Fox
Co-Founder, Co-Director
For secure email, use the contact form on this page.