Nan Balfour
Nan Balfour is a grateful Catholic whose greatest desire is to make our Lord Jesus more loved. She seeks to accomplish this through her vocation to womanhood, marriage, motherhood and as a Pilgrim Center of Hope Missionary of Hope writer, speaker, docent for the Who is the Man of the Shroud? exhibition, daily prayer intercessor, monthly benefactor, and member of the ministry’s advisory council.
Practicing Faith, Saints, Virgin Mary, and Women
How Mary Helps Us Connect with Others
"Who is the Blessed Mother and Why Should I Care?"
How Our Personalities Are No Obstacle to God
Three Little Ways to Happiness
A Journey Through History, Art, Science & Faith

Deacon Tom Fox
Deacon Tom is one of the Co-Founders and Co-Directors of Pilgrim Center of Hope, and Founder of the Catholic Men's Conference of San Antonio. His decades of experience in person-to-person ministry has been recognized throughout the Archdiocese of San Antonio, Texas, nationally, and internationally.
Jesus, Scripture, Virgin Mary

Mary Jane Fox
Mary Jane is one of the Co-Founders and Co-Directors of Pilgrim Center of Hope, and Founder of the Catholic Women's Conference of San Antonio. Her decades of experience in person-to-person ministry have been recognized throughout the Archdiocese of San Antonio, Texas, nationally, and internationally.
Angels, Christian Spirituality, Jesus, Pilgrimage, Practicing Faith, Prayer, Sacred Art, Saints, Virgin Mary, and Women
Brown Scapular, Pillar from Heaven, and Her Image on Juan Diego’s Tilma
A Journey Through History, Art, Science & Faith

Debra Garza
Debbie is an experienced Pilgrimage Group Leader with Pilgrim Center of Hope. She has traveled with Pilgrim Center of Hope to the Holy Land, Italy, and Greece. She has a gift for bringing alive sacred art as a devotional tool. Debbie has completed the ACTS Spiritual Companion Program at Oblate School of Theology.
Sacred Art, Virgin Mary

Jason Kelly
Jason Kelly serves on the business staff at Pilgrim Center of Hope. Drawing from his experience as a former Special Education teacher and High School coach, he enjoys spreading the love of Christ through a spiritual approach that is both contemplative and active.
Christian Spirituality, Eucharist, Evangelization, Jesus, Mass, Practicing Faith, Prayer, Pro-Life, Saints, Virgin Mary

Veronica Leal
Veronica is a bilingual wife, mother, and lay evangelist.

Victor Negron
Victor is a husband, father, grandfather, practicing lawyer, former judge, past-President of the San Antonio Catholic Lawyers Guild, lay evangelist, Board Member of Pilgrim Center of Hope and A Woman’s Haven.
Eucharist, Sacramentals, Sacraments, Virgin Mary

Jeannette Santos
Jeannette Santos is a Licensed Professional Counselor with a Master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy, and is a certified Spiritual Director. She is a chaplain experienced in hospital and palliative care. Her specialties include grief and loss recovery, and overcoming anxiety based on the Word and healing of Jesus.
With over 40 years of marriage and experience raising five children, and with six grandchildren, her storytelling speaks to the challenges & conflicts that individuals, couples, and families of all stages in life face daily, toward hope & healing.
Christian Spirituality, Discernment, Family, Forgiveness, Healing, Marriage, Mental Health, Motherhood, Relationships, Virtue, and Women

Angela Sealana
Internationally recognized for her contributions to the new evangelization, Angela strives to communicate the Gospel as a bridge-builder. She has been on-staff at Pilgrim Center of Hope since 2010. She has taught and presented to groups of all ages, and has a calling to share the healing message of God's love.
Christian Spirituality, Discernment, Healing, Media & Faith, Prayer, Sacred Art, Saints, Scripture, Suffering, Vocation, Women

Cece Smith
Cece Smith is the President and Owner of Toolbox Studios, an award winning marketing and design firm, as well as co-owner with her husband, Barney of SmithPrint, Inc., a family owned and operated commercial printing company, both in San Antonio.
Career, Leadership, Practicing Faith, Pro-Life, Workplace

Deacon Scott Sowell
Deacon Scott spent 20 years in the US Air Force, is the father to four children, has two grandchildren, and works in the Aviation field. His reliance on, and openness to, the Holy Spirit and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, help him serve God and His people in a variety of ways. He enjoys working with others to help them better utilize their own God-given gifts and talents, as well as bringing them into closer relationship with the Lord.
His wife, Diane, is also on PCH Speaker Team.
Deliverance, Evangelization, Healing, Holy Spirit, Marriage, Practicing Faith, and Prayer

Diane Sowell
Diane is a dynamic speaker filled with the Holy Spirit and driven to help others. She is a life-long Catholic who has lived in many states as well as overseas in Europe. As a former US Air Force officer, a mother of four children with two grandchildren, and a college educated professional, Diane capitalizes on her vast array of life experiences to relate with a wide variety of people, and help lead others to a fuller understanding of themselves, their values, and their beliefs, as well as bringing them into a closer relationship with the Lord.
Her husband, Deacon Scott, is also on the PCH Speaker Team.
Deliverance, Evangelization, Healing, Holy Spirit, Marriage, Practicing Faith, and Prayer