To Live In Hope
Impact Report for the Calendar Year 2024
Thirty-one years of work and faithfulness to our mission have resulted in these accomplishments for the year 2024...
Trusted Ministry
Four persons have named Pilgrim Center of Hope in their estate plan will, to leave a legacy of hope.
100+ persons donated hundreds of hours of volunteer service as Missionaries of Hope
The Archdiocese of San Antonio’s three bishops blessed Pilgrim Center of Hope in 2024 by participation in our annual conferences as Mass presiders, and more...
Auxiliary Bishop Michael Boulette
presided over Mass for our apostolate in Gethsemane Chapel at Pilgrim Center of Hope.
visited our studio to discuss ‘The Powerful Act of Listening’ on our Journeys of Hope radio broadcast & podcast. The recording was shared with archdiocesan parish staff.
provided a private spiritual conference for our staff based on his book, Transforming Prayer for Pilgrims, which the staff had studied. He also celebrated Holy Mass at PCH in honor of our directors’ anniversary.
We Brought Hope to Thousands!
Our 2024 Catholic Men’s Conference sold-out at 325 men and provided a personal encounter with Christ, fellowship, and inspiration for a deeper prayer life and to lead virtuously in the community and the family. Our 2024 Catholic Women’s Conference sold-out crowd of 700 women received interior healing through the speakers and encounters with Christ. Women also participated virtually including a satellite group in El Paso, Texas.
33 Events at PCH Property
* Served 508 participants
* Ages from elementary school children to the elderly
* Participants included single laity, families, clergy, parish staff and ministry leaders, and Archdiocesan staff
32 Events Outside PCH
* Served 3,300+ participants
* Ages from elementary school children to the elderly
* Included urban & rural areas in the Archdiocesan boundaries, as well as a missionary journey to Kalispell, Montana
...Multiply each life touched by PCH to see the impact on families, parishes, and communities!
Connecting Faith & Reason
Our Shroud of Turin outreach, Who Is the Man of the Shroud?, introduces a mysterious cloth bearing the image of a scourged, crucified man.
Exhibition Visitors
Over 576 visitors of diverse ages, backgrounds, and religious identities had signed our museum guestbook as of the last day of 2024, and 261 came to PCH for 14 group presentations and retreats that included time learning about the Shroud. Reactions included shock, curiosity, fascination, and tears of penance and awe.
Community Outreach
Sixteen presentations brought Christ’s Passion alive to over 700 individuals outside Pilgrim Center of Hope in 2024, in both religious and secular environments including Bexar County Jail Annex, Northwest Vista College, and Trinity University.
National Eucharistic Congress
PCH Shroud Ambassador Nan Balfour (pictured next to The Chosen actor Jonathan Roumie) presented at the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis about the Shroud and Evangelization. While there, she spoke about the mission of Pilgrim Center of Hope.
"Our older students considered their trip there to be the most impactful event they experienced all year. I’d love to make this an annual event for our 7th grade students." - School staff member
"I brought 3 other families this past week and all ages were amazed, from 3 on up. I highly recommend visiting... a great opportunity!" - Homeschool parent
Exhibition additions in 2024 included:
* Improved Cap of Thorns replica
* Roman spear replica
* Commemorative book printed for visitors to purchase and take home—to share what they learned with others (Printing process at SmithPrint pictured above)
Welcoming All
In 2024, your contributions allowed us to:
Replace the Chapel’s old carpet with new, vinyl flooring for easier cleanup and accessibility to visitors with wheelchairs, walkers, canes, and other mobility special needs
Re-organize the entrance foyer; focused on highlighting what this ministry offers, including a TV with scrolling announcements, as well as a waiting area to help visitors feel more welcome
Replace decades-old blinds (many of them broken) in our main gathering space with brand-new blinds. The chair cushions also got an upgrade!
Replace old or defunct digital tablets with new models that streamline donations and religious item sales
Add to our permanent Who Is the Man of the Shroud? museum exhibition
Our 2024 Media Spread Hope!
Our video content received over 59,861 views in 2024.
Our news updates & articles were included in San Antonio Express-News and regional & Catholic newspapers around Texas. Today's Catholic also featured our monthly "Living Catholicism" column.
Social Media & Email
Inspired, informed & gave hope to thousands through various social media platforms and emails
Broadcast Radio
We produced a weekly radio hour "Journeys of Hope" on Guadalupe Radio Network stations in South Texas.
We produced 76 new audio podcasts in 2024. Our podcast library received 4,485 downloads during the 2024 calendar year.
Building Up the Body of Christ making a personal connection with many holy sites & stories associated with them we grow stronger in Faith and closer to the Almighty God. - David & LeEllen, Pilgrims
June 2024
Members of a local military chapel chose to journey with PCH in 2024 in the footsteps of the apostles and saints.
Sept. 2024
The pastor of St. Jerome parish also entrusted PCH with a European pilgrimage for his flock.
Oct. 2024
A third pilgrimage with a newly-ordained Capuchin friar brought graces to pilgrims and those for whom they offered prayers & sacrifices.
I saw hope in the eyes of the people amidst these turbulent times. - Julieta, Pilgrim