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Who We Are

Answering Christ’s call, we guide people to encounter Him so as to live in hope, as pilgrims in daily life.

We are... 

  • staff
  • volunteers
  • prayer intercessors
  • benefactors

...answering Christ’s call to be missionaries of hope!

Pilgrim Center of Hope is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit Catholic ministry, sustained by prayers and financial donations from organizations and individuals.

Our Core Values are Humility & Trust, Docility & Discernment, Kerygmatic Joy

Pilgrim Center of Hope has the full blessing of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of San Antonio and Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller, MSpS. (See our episcopal endorsements.) While we work closely with the Archdiocese on a number of projects, PCH is not an office of the Archdiocese of San Antonio.

Called at the Sea

Our founders, Deacon Tom and Mary Jane Fox, share our story…

What We Do

Pilgrim Center of Hope continues to “cast the net” out into the world…

Jesus said to them, “Cast the net over the right side of the boat and you will find something.”

So they cast it, and were not able to pull it in because of the number of fish.

Gospel of John 21:6


  • Fostering an appreciation for the personal dignity of women, encouraging them to know and love God, and inspiring them to use their gifts for the transformation of family and society

  • Helping men know their dignity as being created in the image of God, encouraging them to know and love God, and challenging them to use their gifts to transform themselves, their families, and society

  • Fostering an appreciation for the personal dignity of women & men in the later years of life, encouraging them, and inspiring them to continue sharing their wisdom and gifts

  • A mini Marian conference leading individuals, couples, and families to a deeper relationship with Christ by promoting an awareness of the Blessed Virgin Mary’s role in God’s plan

  • Exploring the ancient linen cloth bearing the image of a scourged, crucified man

  • Gatherings that inspire individuals in their daily pilgrimage by introducing them to companions on the journey; the Communion of Saints

  • Serving parishes, groups, etc., to teach, encourage, and challenge on the daily journey of faith

Evangelization Outreach

A ministry of broadcast, print, and digital media connecting our pilgrimage of daily life with the faith and teachings of the Catholic Church

  • Weekly spiritual reflections new every Monday for your inspiration

  • Living Catholicism(Monthly column in archdiocesan newspaper) Applying Church teaching to practical living

  • Multiple videos and audio series, including a weekly radio show as well as programs available on all major podcast platforms

  • Journey via our museum exhibition, presentations, events & media! Explore the ancient linen cloth bearing the image of a scourged, crucified man.

Ministry of Pilgrimages

This Ministry of Pilgrimages builds up the Body of Christ by organizing and leading authentic journeys of faith that renew and inspire people to live every day as pilgrims.

  • Spiritual Passports to Sacred Destinations

    Interactive presentations bringing holy sites and a ‘mini pilgrimage’ experience adapted to parishes, schools, and other local settings

  • Weekly radio program & podcast taking you to a pilgrim destination and applying it to your daily journey of hope

Name & Logo

The highly symbolic name “Pilgrim Center of Hope” represents the Church in its journey of faith to the New Jerusalem, eternal life. PCH is an exemplary answer to the universal call to take responsibility for missionary activity in building up the body of Christ.

A role model for those involved with this apostolate is St. Thérèse of Lisieux. Her life and teaching demonstrate the close bond between mission and contemplation. In fact, there can be no mission without a life of intense prayer and communion with the Lord and His sacrifice on the Cross. The following quote from St. Thérèse appears on PCH’s Chapel door: “The Creator of the Universe awaits the prayer of a little soul to save other souls.”

Pilgrim Center of Hope’s logo elements:

  • Ship — the Church on her pilgrim journey
  • Chi Ro (“PX”) — Christ Jesus, head of the Church
  • Open Sail — docility to the Holy Spirit
  • Water — ‘waves’ of turmoil and calm in our lives
  • Star — Mary, Star of Evangelization, guiding the pilgrim Church through her intercessory prayer
  • People — all of humanity
  • Pope — Vicar of Christ, guiding the ship

Safeguarding Policy

Pilgrim Center of Hope, Inc., holds the same safeguarding policy as the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of San Antonio.

Safeguarding means taking all reasonable steps to prevent harm, particularly sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment from occurring; to protect people, especially vulnerable adults and children, from that harm; and to respond appropriately when harm does occur.

Did you know? Over 100 people pray for this ministry daily! Would you like to become an Intercessor for Pilgrim Center of Hope?