St. Joseph helped provide for the Holy Family, Jesus and Mary.
We humbly ask you to be St. Joseph's Helper; help provide for our ministry's needs.
As you donate, consider "giving a spiritual gift" in honor or in memory of a special person or organization... all while supporting evangelization!
- Birthdays
- Anniversaries
- In Memoriam
- Special Feast Days
- In Honor of a Parish, Priest, Religious, or Organization
Our ministry's current needs ("wishes") include the following items. If ordering online for us, please set delivery address to: Pilgrim Center of Hope, 7680 Joe Newton St., San Antonio, TX 78251
Support Our Technology Upgrade!
Your generous donations help us stay current with the latest technology. Every contribution makes a difference! (Click image to start.)
Help us cover this cost for a welcoming & healthy environment at PCH. (Click image for details & form.)
Gethsemane Chapel
Sponsor a Chapel item. (Click image to start.)
Sponsor our evangelization programming. (Click image to start.)
Monthly Staff Luncheon
Sponsor 1 month for $80. (Click image to start.)
Other Needs Fulfilled
Thank you to the following donors for fulfilling needs previously included on our Wish List. You are truly Missionaries of Hope!
by many St. Joseph's helpers
by many St. Joseph's helpers
Our Lady of Guadalupe Candle
by Rita Calderon in memory of Dan Calderon
Meet Mary Series
Tom & Esther Keeley, Brad & Debbie Knieriem, Jimmie & Cathy Steves, Tom & Darlene Watkins
Morning Retreat
by AM Cavazos and Luci Harty
Other Programming
by Nan Balfour (Shroud), Christi Rohmer (Topics: Holy Rosary & Healing), Jimmie & Cathy Steves (Shroud)
Internet Capability
by Dr. Sonny & Judy Arkangel