St. Joseph helped provide for the Holy Family, Jesus and Mary. We humbly ask you to be St. Joseph's Helper; help provide for our ministry's needs.
As you donate, consider "giving a spiritual gift" in honor or in memory of a special person or organization... all while supporting evangelization!
- Birthdays
- Anniversaries
- In Memoriam
- Special Feast Days
- In Honor of a Parish, Priest, Religious, or Organization
(Click image for details & form.)
If ordering online for us, please set delivery address to: Pilgrim Center of Hope, 7680 Joe Newton St., San Antonio, TX 78251
Gethsemane Chapel
Sponsor our evangelization programming. (Click image to start.)
Monthly Staff Luncheon
Sponsor 1 month for $80. (Click image to start.)
Thank You!
Thank you to the following donors for fulfilling needs previously included on our Wish List. You are truly Missionaries of Hope!
Brother Printer - Deacon Tom's Office
Batis and Quintero Families, and Teresa Sweatman
Staff Refrigerator
A Friend of PCH & Teresa Sweatman
Technology to Serve (3 Tablets)
by Deanna Villarreal