Our mission is to help men know their dignity as being created in the image of God, encouraging them to know and love God, and challenging them to use their gifts to transform themselves, their families, and society.
The CMC is an event for healing, spiritual direction, receiving tools for everyday living, and resources for education.
What A Success!
Our 2024 Catholic Men's Conference committee thanks every person who contributed of their time, talent, and treasure in the service of this year's event. We had the highest percentage of walk-in registrations EVER, and many powerful testimonials about the day's spiritual success! As one of our committee members noted, it was "a touchdown for God."
Stay tuned to our email list for more follow-up from our team. God bless you.
Men of Hope
As a sign of our deep gratitude, we will place your name & prayer intentions in Gethsemane Chapel before Our Lord.
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