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REFLECTION - Sometimes, we struggle to find the words to pray; when we’re tired, upset, depressed, feeling far from God… or when our own words otherwise seem inadequate. Angela Sealana reflects on the Lord’s Prayer, revealing how it connects us to a loving and almighty Father and offers comfort and guidance through every trial.

REFLECTION - What is prayer and why should we pray? Deacon Tom Fox delves into the profound significance of prayer, highlighting how it connects us with God’s love and guidance.

REFLECTION - Have you ever wondered how prayer can transform your life? Missionary of Hope, Daniel Quintero explores how prayer animates our existence, deepens our communication with God, and fills our hearts with love, making every moment vibrant and purposeful.

REFLECTION - No matter our circumstances, we can pursue peace.

REFLECTION - Have you ever truly reflected on the depth and significance of the Lord's Prayer? Deacon Tom Fox offers a reflection on the meaning behind each word of this prayer. This insightful article invites you to deepen your relationship with God through humble submission and disciplined faith.

REFLECTION - Have you ever wondered why Jesus rebuked Peter so harshly? Missionary of Hope, Debbie Garza, explores the profound lesson behind Jesus’ words, urging us to embrace a new way of thinking that aligns with God’s will, even in the face of suffering and uncertainty.

REFLECTION - Have you ever felt the presence of Heaven on Earth? Missionary of Hope, Nan Balfour recounts her journey to the National Eucharistic Congress and shares her experience amidst the bustling preparations and divine encounters.

REFLECTION - How often do we stay at the headlines, even those of our own lives? Daniel Quintero shares how to find hope in daily life.

REFLECTION - What does "saying yes to Jesus" look like in our daily lives? Deacon Tom shares from his ministry experience.

REFLECTION - Ever wondered how faith can guide us through life’s challenges? We invite you to read a reflection written by Mary Jane Fox on how faith, perseverance, and fortitude, grounded in Catholic teachings, can guide us through life’s challenges with hope.

REFLECTION - Have you ever found yourself struggling to trust in God’s plan during challenging times? Missionary of Hope, Nan Balfour beautifully explores how placing our trust in Jesus, especially through Eucharistic Adoration, can transform our fears into faith, drawing inspiration from saints and the Virgin Mary to guide us in our spiritual journey.

REFLECTION - "The story of my plant life helped remind me of God’s love for us. It is easy to feel forgotten and ignored by others and sometimes even by God if we feel our prayers aren’t being answered or the weight of the world is too much..." Read on, as Missionary of Hope, Daniel Quintero reflects on God's love, gratitude, and growth!

REFLECTION - When we face a change in our lives, how can Christians find motivation to keep going? Through looking at Jesus, find answers and concrete steps to begin your journey with hope.

REFLECTION - What do you think of when you hear the word “commandment”? Deacon Tom Fox reveals how God’s commandments, like a parent’s “no,” are loving protections. Learn how these guidelines can bring true happiness and safety.

REFLECTION - Have you ever felt reluctant to step out of your comfort zone? Discover how trusting God’s providence can transform your journey with this encouraging reflection by Missionary of Hope, Debbie Garza!

REFLECTION - Angela Sealana shares useful methods to understand discernment, which helps us to receive what Jesus wants to give us!

REFLECTION - Have you ever thought about how your choices shape your life’s adventure? Missionary of Hope, Daniel Quintero reflects on the parallels between the freedom to choose our own paths in life and the spiritual freedom found in Christ, urging us to cultivate habits that lead to true liberty and fulfillment.

REFLECTION - If you are looking for encouragement and inspiration to persevere in your Christian journey, look to the example of this saint's life. How can we truly fulfill what God is asking us to do?

REFLECTION - Mary Jane Fox offers encouragement for those who are faced with the choices God is placing in front of them.

REFLECTION - Do you choose to see life as a gift from God, no matter how it turns out? Holy boldness is a grace given to all, waiting simply to be received. In this week’s PIlgrim Log, Missionary of Hope, Nan Balfour shares examples of Holy Boldness she has encountered. We invite you to read this encouraging reflection and be inspired in your daily pilgrimage of life.

REFLECTION - How often do we consider the heavenly support that surrounds us in our life’s commitments? Missionary of Hope, Daniel Quintero invites us to reflect on the powerful witness of the communion of saints, who, like our families and friends at a wedding, pray for us and guide us on our earthly journey towards ultimate union with God.

REFLECTION - Are you looking for hope? Jason Nunez shares the inspiring life of an American hero whose legacy goes beyond history, drawing itself into the hearts of all who hear his tale.

REFLECTION - In this inspiring blog, Mary Jane Fox explores the idea that asking God for healing is not selfish. Instead, God’s love and intimate knowledge of us drive His desire to heal. Through stories of miraculous healing, Mary Jane reminds us that Christ continues to heal broken bodies and spirits, inviting us to trust in Him for our restoration.

REFLECTION - We all know what we are called to do if we profess to name ourselves Christian; followers of Jesus Christ. We must, like our Master, be merciful through the action of forgiving those who hurt us. Read on to find healing through this gift.

REFLECTION - Have you ever pondered the true depth of being a child of God? Dive into Mission of Hope, Daniel Quintero’s enlightening reflection on how a silent retreat opened his heart to the whispers of God’s love and mercy in Scripture.

REFLECTION - How do our choices draw us closer to or distance us from the overwhelming love Jesus offers? Missionary of Hope, Victor Negron, contemplates the crucifixion of Jesus. As he gazes at a life-sized crucifix, he sees the familiar message of Christ’s love and a deeper longing, a desire for us to respond and embrace that love.

REFLECTION - Do you think that God can do amazing things for people who put their trust in Him? Deacon Tom Fox invites us to embrace transformation and participate in God’s unfolding plan.

REFLECTION - Do you see the threads of God’s love woven through your life? Missionary of Hope, Debbie Garza examines the idea that our tales are parts of God's larger story of salvation, stressing that the central theme of our existence is God's redemptive love through Christ, even in the face of sin and adversity.

REFLECTION - Why is the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, a foundation of faith, left without an eye-witness in the Gospels? Explore this profound mystery and gain unique insights into the Catholic faith through a contemplative journey with the Shroud of Turin and the Sacrament of the Eucharist written by Missional of Hope, Nan Balfour.

REFLECTION - How can we embrace the joy of the Resurrection and fulfill our Easter duty? Missionary of Hope Daniel Quintero reflects on a message beautifully expressed by Pope St. John XXIII; Christianity is about peace, joy, love, and life renewed—a pulsing force akin to nature's springtime.

REFLECTION - Can we find hope in the echoes of ‘Crucify Him’? Deacon Tom Fox reflects on our participation in Christ’s Passion and the hopeful transformation offered through the sacraments, culminating in the life-affirming ‘Amen’ of the Eucharist.

REFLECTION - What is the essence of Christian Hope, and how does it illuminate our lives? Mary Jane Fox reflects on how hope can lead us out of darkness and towards a life filled with peace and joy.

REFLECTION - Is the Eucharist the hidden solution for a troubled world? Missionary of Hope, Nan Balfour invites us to rediscover the transformative power of the Eucharist, uniting believers and healing divisions.

REFLECTION - How do we find hope in a world skeptical of faith? Missionary of Hope, Daniel Quintero reflects on the role of apologetics and the powerful witness of Jesus Christ’s love, especially during Lent, as we seek to understand suffering and renew our trust in God’s presence in our lives.

REFLECTION - What did Peter, James, and John see on Mt. Tabor? Deacon Tom reflects on how this event reveals Jesus as the fullness of God’s revelation and prepares the apostles for his passion and death during this Lenten season.

REFLECTION - Deacon Tom Fox invites you to take God seriously and make a new beginning with Him during the Lenten season. In this week's Pilgrim Log, discover the importance and practice of prayer, almsgiving, and fasting as ways to grow closer to God and become His faithful disciples.

REFLECTION - How can we foster true communion with others during this Lenten season? Missionary of Hope, Nan Balfour encourages us to shift our focus during Lent, emphasizing communion over division. She reminds us that Lent is not merely about self-denial but also about turning our attention toward God’s will.

REFLECTION - How can you be free and docile at the same time? Missionary of Hope Daniel Quintero explores the meaning of true freedom and docility to the Holy Spirit, and how they can lead to a beautiful flourishing of your life. In this week's Pilgrim Log, find out how you can live in the service of what is good and just.

REFLECTION – Deacon Tom Fox invites you to discover God’s plan of salvation through active participation in the liturgical calendar of the Church. The plan of salvation is based on historical, Scriptural, and experiential reality, and has been proven in the lives of faithful witnesses who have followed Jesus Christ for 2,000 years.

REFLECTION – Do you want to learn how to live your Catholic faith at work? Mary Jane Fox shares some practical tips and an inspiring message of St. Josemaria Escriva, the founder of Opus Dei.

REFLECTION – Do you want to know God’s will for your life? In this week's Pilgrim Log, Mary Jane Fox shares principles based on Peter Kreeft’s book “Making Choices” to help you discern God’s will for your life.

REFLECTION - How can the Shroud of Turin transform your life? This week's Pilgrim Log explores the mystery and meaning of the Shroud of Turin, the ancient linen cloth that bears the image of a crucified man. Missionary of Hope Nan Balfour invites you to reflect on how Jesus can shine his light through your wounds, and how you can put him at the center of your lives with the help of the Virgin Mary.

REFLECTION - How can we follow the example of the Three Kings in our faith journey? Missionary of Hope, Daniel Quintero shares a reflection on the role of the Three Kings and how they inspire us to seek and honor Jesus in our lives.

REFLECTION - Deacon Tom and Mary Jane Fox invite you to discover the Christmas Homily of the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, who offers hope and guidance amid the turmoil in Gaza and Israel.

REFLECTION - Experience the profound spiritual journey of Christmas through the eyes of the faithful in Bethlehem. Amidst the backdrop of conflict and hardship, discover how the true essence of the season shines brighter, calling us to reflect on the Incarnation and embrace the transformative power of Jesus, the Prince of Peace.

REFLECTION - Are you longing for healing? In this week’s PIlgrim Log, Missionary of Hope, Nan Balfour describes the importance and benefits of receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation regularly, preferably monthly, as a way of healing, restoring, and renewing our relationship with God and others.

REFLECTION - In this week's PIlgrim Log, Missionary of Hope Daniel Quintero invites us to reflect on the role of St. John the Baptist as an example of humility and how it can help us prepare for the coming of Jesus Christ in Advent.

REFLECTION - Discover the amazing story of Jesus Christ, the Son of God and King of heaven and earth, who came to save us from our sins and show us his love. Learn how to trust and follow him in your daily life, and how to celebrate his feast of Christ the King with joy and gratitude.

REFLECTION - Do you want to be a faithful servant of God and use your talents for His glory? Read this written by Missionary of Hope, Debbie Garza, to learn how the Parable of the Talents can inspire you to live a life of service and joy.

REFLECTION - How can the Passion of Christ help you overcome your pain and find joy in God? Missionary of Hope, Nan Balfour explores the mystery of the Cross, the Shroud of Turin, and the Eucharist as sources of healing and union with Christ.