Who is Stella Maris?
Stella Maris is an ancient Latin title for Mary, mother of Jesus Christ, which translates as “Star of the Sea.”
- In the time of Jesus, the equivalent phrase of Our Lady in the Aramaic language of that day meant pilot, leader or guide — someone who could navigate through the sea or the desert by the stars and lead people to safety.
- The stars were and are used as a guide to safety and to new life.
- The sea covers all the earth and symbolizes all the people of the earth.
- The Blessed Virgin Mary was therefore identified from the very earliest days of the Church as the guiding light to her son, Jesus, for all the people of the earth. (Source: University of Dayton)
We found Stella Maris to be an excellent name for this new center for evangelization.
While it has religious significance, Stella Maris is a name that is also approachable for those who may not consider themselves religious.
Pilgrim Center of Hope’s logo already includes a blue star representing Mary, who acts as our guide in the seas of life.
In the document which inspired Pilgrim Center of Hope’s foundation, Evangelii Nuntiandi, Pope St. Paul VI put forth Mary as “star of evangelization” whose example shines “especially in these times which are difficult but full of hope” (no. 82).
We received several signs that Mary is guiding this effort, including the totally unexpected delivery of a large framed image of Mary after we had chosen the name Stella Maris. The young man who brought it said he had felt called to give it to us.
Campaign Prayer
Our Lady, Star of the Sea,
as you guided missionaries over the waters
to the four corners of the world to save souls,
we beg you to guide the efforts of the Pilgrim Center of Hope
as we make plans to construct a Center of Evangelization, in your name,
to facilitate our mission of guiding people to Christ.
With the help of the grace you obtain for us,
along with the prayers of
St. Therese, St. Mother Teresa,
St. Pope John Paul II, and St. Pope Paul VI,
we expect Our Lord will use this Stella Maris Center
to accomplish great things
to build up His body, which is the Church. Amen.