Holy Land Pilgrimage
February 2025
A pilgrimage is a journey of faith; an ancient practice in the Church. It is an eternal investment which has an everlasting reward.
Come and see, touch and experience the sites of the Bible, the sites of our Lord’s life and our Lady’s life. You will have the privilege to prayerfully retrace the footprints of Jesus, and meet the local people, the living stones, the Custodians of the Holy Land – the Franciscans & other religious communities. You will be introduced to the various cultures of the Holy Land and the history of our Church.
We believe in your maximum experience; space is limited to 30 seats!
Pilgrimage Includes…
- First-Class Accommodations in excellent locations
- Round-Trip Airfare from San Antonio, Texas, including airline taxes
- Daily Mass, Prayer, and Scripture Reflections at Holy Sites
- Private Motor Coach and Local Guide
- Daily Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
- Cultural Experiences & Patronizing Local, Christian-Owned Businesses
- Gratuities throughout the pilgrimage
- Custom Pilgrim Book (daily journal, Masses, Scripture, maps & more)
- Pre-Pilgrimage Orientation Meetings & Preparation Materials
- Complimentary tote bag, luggage tag and document holder
* Our pilgrimages include round trip airfare from San Antonio; however you’re welcome to join us from elsewhere! Contact us for details.
To be announced
Group Leaders
To be announced
Learn More Today!
Chaplain to be announced soon.
Price to be announced at a later date. Contact us to be added to the Inquirers list and receive information as it is confirmed.
We invite you to call Pilgrim Center of Hope for more information: 210-521-3377 or email us using the form below.