Jesus Christ has risen!
This is the wonderful message we get to share on this glorious day. A celebration that our Lord, Jesus Christ, conquered death, and sin and rose again!
Uniting Authentic Joys with the Resurrection
In Lent, we were able to reflect on the sufferings of Christ and ponder them in light of our own sufferings. In Easter, we can take this time to unite our authentic joys with the greatest joy known to the world: the Resurrection.
The Resurrection brings hope; it brings an awareness that in the end, God’s love and truth will prevail over all the darkness. It also brings with it a beautiful but difficult challenge: to be examples of that hope for others.
Christianity as Renewal
I found this quote by Pope St. John XXIII quite poignant:
“Christianity is not that complex of oppressive factors … but it is peace, it is joy, it is love, it is life that is always renewed, like the secret pulsing of nature at the beginning of spring. The source of this joy is in the Risen Christ, who frees men from the slavery of sin, and invites them to be with him a new creature, waiting for blessed eternity.”
What a beautiful message to help ground us in our Easter duty. As Pope St John XXIII mentioned, we are always in renewal. That is the beauty of our Church calendar, to walk with our Lord in the different seasons of his life. With the Easter season, we are with him in his risen glory. That is an amazing truth that we can’t help but share with others!
Our Easter Duty
That is why this season invites us to charity and conversion of heart. It is a time to be renewed within ourselves. Jesus died and was risen, so now what do we do?
“All I want to know is Christ and the power flowing from His Resurrection!” — St. Francis of Assisi
Blessed Easter to you and your family!

Daniel Quintero is a stand-up comedian currently attending Mary, Mother of the Church Catholic Parish. His favorite motto: “Awkwardness does not exist.”
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