In our modern world, we find a great number of people who don’t have a belief in God. There can be a variety of reasons why someone is skeptical. In our pursuit to share what we believe; we try different approaches to help others know our faith.
The Role of Apologetics
Perhaps they don’t find any credible evidence or reason for belief. That is where apologetics can come in, the branch of theology that deals with providing arguments for our faith.
“Be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have” (1 Peter 3:15).
Impact of Negative Witnesses
Others may not believe due to bad witnesses in their life. Many have been hurt by the actions or inactions of people of faith. It is in these situations where we can offer our care and support, and strive to be a powerful witness of God’s love in our world.
In connection with that, others may find it to be just too hard to believe. In a world of suffering and distress, the idea of a God whose nature is Goodness itself may seem incompatible. This is the problem of evil.
Finding Answers in Jesus Christ
To attempt to solve this issue, only one answer can suffice; not our words of logic, not just merely being present, although both are helpful. The answer is always going to be found in the person of Jesus Christ.
Lent: Journeying alongside Jesus
Lent is a time to walk with Jesus. We offer prayer, fasting, and almsgiving to grow closer to God, but it also allows us to be aware of God’s love for us in our sufferings. In a world of evil, we can point to our savior, who still bears the wounds on his hands and feet from the evil done upon him. If we reflect on the power of God, he didn’t have to suffer, but he did, out of love for us. The mystery of suffering is answered by Jesus Christ, who walks with us in our mourning and weeping. He is with us, and we are with him; our pains connected, our trials which can be made to have purpose, as St. Paul said,
“I am now rejoicing in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am completing what is lacking in Christ's afflictions for the sake of his body, that is, the church” (Colossians 1:24).
Social Justice and Suffering
We still must do what we can to help reduce suffering worldwide; that is part of our social justice commitment as a Church. However, in all the sufferings that exist and will exist, Lent is that time to renew our trust that our Lord cares about us, cares about our pains, and is with us in them. The cross proves that.
Joy in Discipleship
As Pope Francis has written,
"Our deepest joy comes from Christ, remaining with him, walking with him, being his disciples" (The Spirit of St. Francis: Learning Words on Faith, Love, and Creation).
Jesus is the answer, always Jesus.

Daniel Quintero is a stand-up comedian currently attending Mary, Mother of the Church Catholic Parish. His favorite motto: “Awkwardness does not exist.”
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