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About CWC

Our mission is to foster an appreciation for the personal dignity of women, to encourage women to know and love God, and to inspire them to use their feminine gifts for the transformation of family and society. CWC is an event for healing, for spiritual direction, for receiving tools for everyday living and resources for education.

Saturday, July 26, 2025

Gray building with Red Oak Ballroom Norris Centers signs

Norris Conference Center
618 NW Loop 410, Suite 207, San Antonio, TX 78216

Garage parking available at no additional cost.


AM 7:00 Doors Open

Vendors Open

8:00 Program Begins

11:00 Mass
PM 12:00 Lunch

1:30 Raffle & Program Continues

5:15 Program Ends

6:30 Vendors Close

Detailed schedule will be provided to registered attendees in the conference program. Schedule subject to change.



Help Spread the Word!

  1. Send a text message to friends and family, inviting them.
  2. Email women you know. 
  3. Post a flyer on bulletin boards!
  4. Tell your local Women's ACTS Retreat group about CWC.
  5. Bring flyers to your parish women's group gatherings.
  6. Share the news on social media.
  7. Make an announcement at your parish faith formation meetings (CCD, Confirmation, OCIA).

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Sponsor or Advertise

Thank you to these outstanding sponsors for supporting our event!

2025 Flowers of the Field

Help us cover the cost of this mission for women. Consider dedicating a donation to a special woman or organization.

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