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Men gather in prayer around the Eucharist

Dave Lambert

Dave Lambert

The extraordinary "Who Is the Man of the Shroud?" presentation will be adapted especially for 2025 Catholic Men's Conference attendees by Shroud Ambassador Dave Lambert. This experience combines science, history, technology, art, and faith for a journey with the Shroud of Turin, an ancient burial cloth that mysteriously bears the image of a man scourged and crucified in the same manner described in the Gospels as Jesus' passion and death.

A retired U.S. Army Colonel, Dave converted to the Catholic faith in 1980. 

After he experienced "Who Is the Man of the Shroud?" exhibition at the Pontifical Institute Notre Dame of Jerusalem in the Holy Land as a pilgrim with Pilgrim Center of Hope, Dave became intrigued by the Shroud of Turin.

Dave applied to become a volunteer Shroud Ambassador for Pilgrim Center of Hope, which hosts the official permanent exhibition, "Who Is the Man of the Shroud?" in San Antonio. He has guided many people through an intriguing 'journey' with this mysterious cloth as a presenter.

After his military service, Dave spent a few years teaching at James Madison High School in San Antonio. He holds a bachelor’s degree in finance and a master’s in business administration (MBA).

A recent graduate of the Archdiocese of San Antonio's Parish Ministry Formation program, Dave is a parishioner of Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church in New Braunfels, where he serves as an RCIA instructor, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, and a Religious Education Teacher. Prior to moving to New Braunfels, Dave was a parishioner at Holy Trinity Catholic Church in San Antonio, where he also taught LifeTeen.

Dave and his wife Grace have been married for 45 years and have three adult children and 6 grandchildren.