Allowed me to gain an insight into my faith that I could have never imagined.
A prayer I pray very often is a prayer of petition to the Holy Spirit; I pray especially to be granted the gifts of Wisdom, Understanding, and Knowledge. Traveling on a Holy Land pilgrimage with Pilgrim Center of Hope truly made the outpouring of these special gifts present in my life. Guided by the spiritual understanding and knowledge of the Holy Land by Deacon Tom and Mary Jane Fox, as well as their team, allowed me as a member of the ministerial priesthood of our Lord Jesus Christ to truly gain a new found wisdom of the life, ministry, passion, death, and resurrection of our Savior. To walk, meditate, pray, and celebrate the Sacred Liturgies where I Lord lived and breathed, loved and forgave, have allowed me to gain an insight into my faith that I could have never imagined. May the Lord continue to bless the ministries of Pilgrim Center of Hope, and may they continue to minister to the ministers of Holy Mother Church. - Very Rev. Steven A. Gamez, V.U.