Pilgrim Center of Hope connects everyday life with the Church's faith and teachings — through broadcast, print, digital, and interactive exhibit media.
Fountain of Life

This simple prayer booklet compiled by Pilgrim Center of Hope, a non-profit Catholic ministry based in San Antonio, TX, is for seniors’ daily life with Christ and in being a ‘missionary prayer.’
We believe that our prayers are heard and answered according to God’s will; “The fervent prayer of a righteous person is very powerful” (James 5:16).
In his homily during Mass on November 19, 2013, Pope Francis said, “The elderly pass on history, doctrine, faith and they leave them to us as an inheritance. They are like a fine Vintage wine; that is, they have within themselves the power to give us this noble inheritance.”
8.5″ tall x 5.5″ wide
High-Quality Paper Stock
- Prayer for Seniors
- For Grandchildren
- Blessing, For A Child or Relative
- Morning Offering
- The Holy Name of Jesus
- Five Brief Prayers
- Act of Contrition
- Psalm 51 (excerpts)
- God Protect Us
- Prayer in Time of Need
- Uniting Suffering with Christ
- For Healing
- For Trust and Confidence in God’s Mercy
- Prayer to Jesus
- Prayer to St. Jude, Saint for Impossible Cases
- Prayer of Abandonment
- Prayer of Praise
- For the Gift of Wisdom
- For the Gift of Hope
- For Priests
- For Vocations
- For the New Evangelization
- For Fallen-Away Catholics
- To Saints Anne & Joachim
- To St. Michael Archangel
- To Your Guardian Angel
- Prayers of the Rosary
- Memorare
- Memorare of St. Joseph
- To St. Joseph, for a Holy Death
- To the Blessed Mother to Obtain a Happy Death
- For the Souls in Purgatory
- Spiritual Quotes
- Helpful Resources
Order Yours Today!
Available from Pilgrim Center of Hope
$500 per book, plus shipping. Call us at 210-521-3377 or email your order request to ministry@pilgrimcenterofhope.org