Pilgrim Center of Hope connects everyday life with the Church's faith and teachings — through broadcast, print, digital, and interactive exhibit media.
Come to Me

Meet a companion who walks with you on the path to God’s heart!
Come to Me: A Catholic Woman’s Spiritual Prayer Companion
This unique, purse-sized book created for women, by women, offers ways that Mother Church guides us on our earthly journey. Discover how she leads through the days of your week, over the obstacles in your way, and through the desires of your heart.
Proceeds support the Pilgrim Center of Hope, a Catholic evangelization ministry helping women and men rediscover life as a journey toward Heaven – reviving Catholics’ passion for their faith. Founder of the annual Catholic Women’s Conference in San Antonio, Texas.
You formed my inmost being;
You knit me in my mother’s womb.
I praise you, because I am wonderfully made;
wonderful are your works!
My very self you know.
(Ps 139:13-14)
Each of us is on an earthly pilgrimage. We share the same origin: created in love by God. He desires our same destination: in eternal happiness with him.
Arriving at this eternal happiness is determined by the path we take.
This book is a spiritual prayer companion for you, and offers just some of the many ways our Mother Church guides us on our earthly journey. It is designed to draw you closer to Christ and help you live out your vocation to womanhood in the days of your weeks, over the obstacles in your way, and through the desires of your heart. It is written to teach, encourage, and inspire women in our unique and unrepeatable dignity, and to emphasize the importance of women in the Church, in our families, in the world, and—most significantly—to our God!
Pondering on the Way
A Meditation on Eve, God’s Gift of Love
Refreshment for the Journey
At God’s Feet: The Sacrament of Reconciliation
Light along the Path
Prayers to Lift Your Days
- Start the day with Jesus and Mary
- Morning Offering
- Blessing of a Child or Loved One As They Leave Home
- Prayers to Offer throughout the Day
- End of the Day Reflection
- …and many other prayers
Pondering on the Way
A Meditation on Desire, God’s Thirst for You
Refreshment for the Journey
Extravagant Worship: Adoration of the Eucharist
Light along the Path
Prayers for a Woman’s Life
- Pray with (or for) Your Husband
- Prayer for the Family
- Prayer of Consecration to Jesus through Mary
- Prayers to the Holy Spirit
- Prayer for Direction
- Prayer for Healing
- Prayer for Protection
- …and many other prayers
Pondering on the Way
A Meditation on the Heart: Role of Women in the Church
- Ways to Get Involved
- Ways to Live Your Faith In the Home
- Silent Prayer with Jesus
- Answering Questions about Faith
Refreshment for the Journey
Touching God: The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
Light along the Path
Praying through Lectio Divina, God’s Intimate Embrace
Pondering on the Way
A Meditation on the New Eve, God’s Gift of Beauty
A Garden Walk
Journeying to God’s Heart with Mary, His Daughter, Mother and Spouse
- Guide
- Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, Glorious Mysteries
- Each Mystery includes Scripture, meditation, fruit of the mystery, and related Saint
Available from Pilgrim Center of Hope!
$9.95 per book, $5.00 shipping & handling up to three books. Contact us if order is higher number. Call us at 210-521-3377 or email your order request to ministry@pilgrimcenterofhope.org