For Teachers, Catechists & Parents

Feel free to use any of our media content for your faith formation needs:
- Share with teachers / parents in an email, FlockNote update, etc.
- Use during meetings, classes, or retreats
- Recommend to students / candidates
- ... or other creative applications
Please credit Pilgrim Center of Hope and/or provide our website.
Example Ways
Learn about the saints. - Free biographical pamphlets, audio & video resources. Great for confirmation candidates choosing their patron saint.
Explore Advent through a new lens. - Free audio & video, maps, photos, and other resources about the Holy Land and
Bring the Passion of Christ alive during Holy Week. - Free audio & video, maps, photos, and other resources about the Holy Land.
Connect Jesus' resurrection with daily life. - Free audio & video, maps, photos, and other resources about the Holy Land as well as the Shroud of Turin.
Feel free to contact us and inquire about particular topics or needs. We're here to help!