I recently ran across a docuseries that tells the story of someone who describes himself as a “fan of the great indoors” and is admittedly travel-averse. He has to be persuaded to overcome his long-held fears about traveling. However, as he steps out of his comfort zone, he is overwhelmed by the beauty of his experiences of the larger world and its people.
The readings for the Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time speak to us of the prophet Amos, who is taken away from his flock of sheep and sent to the people of Israel. This theme continues in the Gospel, with the Twelve sent out by Jesus ‘two by two’ to preach, heal, and drive out demons. His instructions were to take nothing for the journey but a walking stick and to wear sandals. In other words, Jesus told them to ‘travel light.’
Reluctant Travelers: Amos and the Apostles
Did Amos and the twelve apostles have their own “reluctant traveler” moments as they stepped out of the comfort zone of home? After all, Amos was sent from his home in Judah to proclaim an unpopular message from God to the Israelites in the northern kingdom. The twelve apostles were sent to proclaim the Good News to the ends of the earth, far from their homeland, and Jesus told them to leave behind their three most common security blankets: money, food, and extra clothing!
I think about my preparations to travel—whether it is a vacation, business trip, or a pilgrimage. Packing is always a struggle. I am reluctant to leave anything behind that I might need. I am forced to move out of my comfort zone and let go of some items to which I am attached.
Spiritual Journey and Reluctance
I recognize this reluctance extends to my spiritual journey, as well. I am often reluctant to travel light and trust that God will provide all that I need, not just materially but most importantly, spiritually.
Where does this reluctance to travel light come from? For me, fear is at the root of it;
- Fear that I am not good enough
- Fear that I am not in control
- Fear of failure
- Fear that I won’t find the words to give Him glory
Trusting in God
What I must remember is that the Lord has given me all that I need for the journey. The walking stick I have, comes from our Lord. My ‘walking stick’ is made up of the spiritual gifts that will prevent me from stumbling on my journey, keeping me steady and upright. The walking stick is the support I need to be sent out with His authority, to do His will in the world.
Is there an area of your life, where you are reluctant to trust that God will provide all that is needed for that moment?
Pope Francis’ words encourage us in our reluctant moments:
“Have courage. Go forward. Make noise.”

Debbie Garza is a parishioner of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church in Leon Springs, and is an experienced Pilgrimage Group Leader with Pilgrim Center of Hope. She has traveled with Pilgrim Center of Hope to the Holy Land, Italy, and Greece. She says, “On pilgrimage, I know the ears and eyes of my heart have been opened by God’s grace and I’ve experienced the Joy of the Gospel. I am committed to helping other pilgrims experience their personal journey of faith.” Debra is also a member of Pilgrim Center of Hope’s Speaker Team.
Answering Christ’s call, Pilgrim Center of Hope guides people to encounter Him so as to live in hope, as pilgrims in daily life. See what’s happening & let us journey with you! Visit PilgrimCenterOfHope.org.