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God’s Surprising Plan for You

Jesus speaks with an authority that is unlike any other; an authority that astonishes. It is not only what he says, but also what he does: he has power over unclean spirits and power to perform miracles, and “His fame spread everywhere throughout the whole region of Galilee” (Mark 1:28).

If this were the only Gospel message we heard, we would think that all went well with the public ministry of Jesus. However, because we are familiar with the entire Gospel, we know his ministry did not always go well. Even though he spoke with authority and the people were amazed at his power, he was not accepted by most of the people—because his message challenged everyone to change, no matter who they were.

God has a great plan for humanity, but it requires all of us to change—to be transformed. He is the one who creates the change in us with his grace, but he needs our cooperation. Because of the gift of faith which we all have received through baptism, Our Lord expects us to develop a trusting relationship with him that will take us beyond our understanding and outside our comfort zone.

The Word of God in the Scriptures is still alive and still speaks to us with great authority. We should be astonished at the Good News that the Lord has for those who believe in him:

“Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever believes in me will do the works I do, and will do greater ones than these, because I am going to the Father” (John 14:12).

Astonishing! Jesus says that those who believe in him will do greater works than he, the Son of God! This is because, through baptism, we have become members of the Body of Christ and have received the theological gifts of faith, hope, and charity, as well as the gifts of the Holy Spirit. We are invited to participate in the very life of God and to help the kingdom of God unfold around us. As a matter-of-fact, we are commanded, “Go therefore, and make disciples of all of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age” (Matthew 28:19-20).

No matter who we are or what we do, our we are called to:

  • be intimately connected to God through our commitment to daily prayer
  • live the sacramental life
  • read the Word of God
  • continue to be formed in the faith

Only in this way, will we discover the special plan that God has for each one of us, as well as the gifts he has given us for the sake of his Body—the Church.

We will only reach our potential for personal happiness when we are good stewards of the:

  • time
  • talents
  • treasure

which we have received through the generosity of the Lord.

God has a great plan for those who believe in him. Do you believe this?

Dear Jesus, I find it hard to believe that you call me to do such amazing things. But I know that you are the Way, the Truth, and the Life. I believe in your words. Help my unbelief. Send your Holy Spirit to uphold me amidst my daily struggles. Guide me to seek you today. I want to choose your plan for my life today.

WE INVITE YOU to DISCOVER GOD’S PLAN! Connect with us at

Deacon Tom Fox, K.C.H.S., and Mary Jane Fox, D.C.H.S. are the Co-Founders & Co-Directors of Pilgrim Center of Hope. The two left their careers after a profound conversion experience and began working full-time in ministry at their parish in 1986. After several years and having impacted tens of thousands of families, the Foxes founded Pilgrim Center of Hope in 1993 as a response to the Church’s call for a New Evangelization. Deacon Tom is an invested member of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, a Commander Knight of the Holy Sepulchre.

Answering Christ’s call, Pilgrim Center of Hope guides people to encounter Him so as to live in hope, as pilgrims in daily life. See what’s happening & let us journey with you! Visit