As we continue to through Lent, join us for the conclusion of our 2-part virtual pilgrimage to St. Peter in Gallicantu located in Jerusalem, Israel. Last week Mary Jane Fox guided us through this Holy Site as she described the location, terrain, and its surroundings.
This week, Deacon Tom and Mary Jane Fox give us a better understanding of Jesus' surroundings on the evening of "Holy Thursday."
In part 2, we take a deeper dive into the following questions:
- Who would have been kept in the underground prison?
- How far is it from the Via Dolorosa?
- What is the significance of the Psalm read in the Sacred Pit?
- Much more!
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Jewel for the Journey
"Deepen your knowledge of Jesus which ends loneliness, overcomes sadness and uncertainty, gives real meaning to life, curbs passions, exalts ideals, expands energies in charity, brings light into decisive choices. Let Christ be for you the Way, the Truth and the Life." - Pope St. John Paul II