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Spiritual Motherhood, For All Women

Join Angela Sealana and Mary Jane Fox as they dive into the essence of spiritual motherhood, which is a vocation – a calling – for all women of all states in life. They will discuss practical ways for women to embrace this calling today and the supportive roles that men and others can play in honoring and fostering the unique contributions of spiritual mothers in our midst.

During our journey, you will hear about:

  • What is spiritual motherhood?
  • Why is spiritual motherhood important for our society to grow in hope?
  • How can women exercise their spiritual motherhood today, and how can the men and other women around them can support those who are answering the call to be spiritual mothers?

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Jewel for the Journey

“Spiritual motherhood knows no limits.” - Pope St. John Paul II

Get More Out of Your Journey

We invite you to read these beautiful treasures of hope, by Pope John Paul II.

You Are Invited!

Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. – Matthew 11:28 

Our Lord, Jesus Christ, is inviting you to “Come to Me” and experience a refreshing spa for the soul at the 2024 Catholic Women's Conference! This time is for you; step away from the busyness and stress of your daily routine, and simply receive all the love that Jesus so desires to give you. Join us on Saturday, July 27, 2024.