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Journey with Our Lady of Guadalupe & St. Juan Diego

Join Mary Jane Fox as she takes us on a spiritual journey with Our Lady of Guadalupe and St. Juan Diego. Discover the story of the Blessed Virgin Mary's four apparitions to Juan Diego on Tepeyac Hill in Mexico City in 1531. Whether you are new to her story or already familiar, this journey will deepen your faith and connection to Our Lady of Guadalupe & St. Juan Diego.

During our journey, you will:

  • Discover the history, symbolism, and devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe
  • Unpack Juan Diego's story, his encounters with the Blessed Virgin, and the miracle of the image on his tilma.
  • Draw inspiration from the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe and Juan Diego to guide your daily journey of hope.

We are so grateful to this month’s sponsors, Bill & Lisa Strain, who made this podcast episode possible.

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Jewel for the Journey

"Let not your heart be disturbed…Do not grieve nor be disturbed by anything. Am I not here, your Mother? - Our Lady of Guadalupe

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