Marriage is often described as a journey, a successful marriage is composed of three: the husband, the wife, and God at the center. Join Jason Nunez and his guests, Dr. Tom and Didi Kolkebeck, the founders of the Lovestrong Marriage Ministry, to discuss the challenges and joys of a Christ-centered marriage.
In this episode, you will learn:
- Why is the Sacrament of Marriage important?
- How keeping Christ at the center of a marriage, can help you overcome challenges?
- Receive practical tips for married couples to walk in their daily pilgrimage of life, together.
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Guest Information

Dr. Tom and Didi were married in June 1996 in San Antonio, TX. In the Spring of 2014, Tom and Didi, along with Fr. Carlos Velazquez, felt the need to create a Retreat program that would give married couples the opportunity to get closer to each other and closer to God as a couple. With the help of 26 couples from Holy Spirit Parish, the very first Lovestrong Retreat took place in February 2015. Since then, Tom and Didi have continued to be actively involved in the growth and development of Lovestrong Marriage and currently serve as the Chair-couple of the Lovestrong Executive Committee. They have been Holy Spirit Catholic Church parishioners since 2011. Tom is the youngest of eight children, Didi, the oldest of four. Tom’s and Didi’s parents have been shining examples of Christian sacramental marriage, having each been married over 50 years. Tom and Didi are the proud parents of three adult children.
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Jewel for the Journey
“Marriage is a symbol of life, real life: it is not “fiction”! It is the Sacrament of the love of Christ and the Church, a love which finds its proof and guarantee in the Cross.” – Pope Francis, from The Joy of Love
Get More Out of Your Journey
Papal Document - The Joy of Love
Website - Lovestrong Marriage Ministry
Lovestrong Marriage Prayer of Protection
We thank you for our marriage.
We are so very blessed to have each other.
Regardless of the conflicts we face, the trials and challenges...
our marriage is a blessing.
We pray for your protection over our marriage.
We ask that you strengthen our resolve
to avoid any weak and selfish ways.
Mature us and refine us so that we only seek the good of each other.
We also pray for your protection against the schemes of the enemy.
Holy Spirit, cover us and anoint our marriage.
Guide us, and help us to Love Strong
and live out our Marital Sacrament.
May compassion, love, and grace motivate our every action.
In Jesus' name we pray. AMEN!
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