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Encountering God

  • The Beatitudes As A Sure Path To Salvation

    Learn how the teachings of Christ, particularly the Beatitudes & the 10 Commandments can make us confident that the teachings of the Catholic Church found in the Catechism are “a sure norm of salvation” as St. Pope John Paul II witnessed to.

    Related to
    Christian Spirituality, Jesus, and Scripture

    Speakers Offering This Talk
    Jason Kelly

  • Coming To Meet Jesus

    Many of us yearn for that face-to-face meeting with Jesus, searching in all sorts of places, yet never really being fully satisfied. Hear about how Eucharistic Adoration is the place where Heaven and Earth “kiss” — where visits with Our Lord can change from just quiet, to the quiet of the Sacred Heart, and all that Our Lord has to offer his visitors.

    Related to
    Eucharist, Jesus, Prayer, and Sacraments

    Speakers Offering This Talk
    Victor Negron

  • Encountering Jesus; How to Cultivate God’s Presence in Our Lives

    Have you encountered God? How would you know? It is not unusual for people who have experienced spiritual retreats to answer yes and speak glowingly of the joy and peace such an encounter brings. But even so, it is not always clear to know how to grow this encounter with God into a sustaining and ever closer relationship with Him.

    Learn how to recognize encounters with God – which are much more frequent than you may think – and the true and tested ways our Church provides to nurture, sustain and grow in an ever- deepening encounter with God.

    Related to
    Christian Spirituality, Discernment, Jesus, and Prayer

    Speakers Offering This Talk
    Jeannette Santos

  • Five Steps Towards Making the Passion of Christ More Personal

    Our lives are a pilgrimage – a journey with the destination of the Heavenly Jerusalem. Each day gives us the possibility of recognizing how much God loves us and longs to help us. Are we brought to that awareness? We will look at five steps we can take to make the Passion of our Lord a hope-filled and inspirational way to get closer to him.

    Related to
    Christian Spirituality, Jesus, Lent, and Suffering

    Speakers Offering This Talk
    Mary Jane Fox

  • Four Attitudes In Our Search for God

    How many of us wonder if God knows who we are? How do we begin to be confident in God? Does God hear my prayer? Jesus assures us: Even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows. This presentation will give a guideline on approaching our prayer life in a way that can be integrated in our daily lives. Be reminded that Christ is with you on your journey every day of your life!

    Related to
    Christian Spirituality, Jesus, and Prayer

    Speakers Offering This Talk
    Mary Jane Fox

  • From the Sacred to the Divine

    Discover how the visions of St. Margaret Mary & St. Faustina are connected, and how they can help us grow closer to Christ, strengthening our faith in the teachings of the Catholic Church.

    Related to
    Christian Spirituality, Evangelization, Jesus, and Saints

    Speakers Offering This Talk
    Jason Kelly

  • The Gaze of God

    It seems that our work, our jobs, our schedules can become so full and be so demanding. Perhaps we don’t have enough time to even think! As Christians, we are called by Christ to be that light in the world which leads to hope; the hope which connects us to God and to help overcome despair and anxiety.

    Christianity is about a Person, not a philosophy. You and I were created to live in a relationship with God. When we experience the gaze of God – we can have hope for healing that only God knows we need.

    Related to
    Christian Spirituality, Healing, Jesus, and Prayer

    Speakers Offering This Talk
    Mary Jane Fox

  • God Is Close to Us

    How can we deal with loss in a world that refuses to see it? Scripture tell us, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; saves those whose spirit is crushed” (Psalm 34:19). Discover how all the losses we experience work to draw us closer to God and the fulfillment we long for.

    Related to
    Healing, Mental Health, and Suffering

    Speakers Offering This Talk
    Jeannette Santos

  • Jesus Wept: Where God Stands In Our Suffering

    We all suffer, but where is God? Find answers in Jesus’ life and teachings. As we reflect on experiences of pain and suffering in our daily lives, discover an invitation to hope.

    Related to
    Christian Spirituality, Healing, Jesus, Scripture, and Suffering

    Speakers Offering This Talk
    Angela Sealana

  • Lectio Divina: Praying with Scripture

    Are you ready to deepen your prayer life? Would you like help learning how to listen to God’s voice? Discover an ancient yet accessible way of praying with Scripture that is simple enough to practice daily: Divine Reading.

    Related to
    Discernment and Scripture

    Speakers Offering This Talk
    Angela Sealana

  • Lift Up Your Hearts: The Sacrament of Love

    What do we do when our hearts are wounded? While hearing God’s Love Story for us, women discover the key to hope in any circumstance; found in the Eucharist and Holy Mass.

    Related to
    Forgiveness, Healing, Jesus, Mass, Prayer, Sacraments, Suffering, and Women

    Speakers Offering This Talk
    Angela Sealana

  • The Passion of Christ

    The Passion of Christ is not only a historic event, it continues to be an experiential reality for us as we reflect on the Journey of Jesus from Palm Sunday, through Holy Week and his death on the cross. Our Lord invites us to join our sufferings with his and to participate in the work of redemption for the salvation of souls. Through the ages men and women have been inspired to dedicate their lives to Christ after meditating deeply on his passion, death and resurrection.

    Related to
    Lent, Scripture, and Suffering

    Speakers Offering This Talk
    Deacon Tom Fox

  • Who is the Man of the Shroud? A Journey Through History, Art, Science & Faith

    The popular Shroud of Turin is the most ancient cloth studied by mankind. This presentation will give you an insight of its origin and the mysterious image of the man on the Shroud. Learn about the Shroud’s journey, history, botanical and scientific evidence, as well as its meaning for us today.

    Related to
    Evangelization, Jesus, Lent, Easter, Sacred Art, Science, and Suffering

    Speakers Offering This Talk
    Nan Balfour
    Mary Jane Fox

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